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Manajemen Perkantoran Konsentrasi Administrasi Perkantoran dirancang dengan tujuan agar mahasiswa menguasai masalah pengelolaan Human Resources Management  dalam perusahaan yang dilengkapi dengan keterampilan administrasi perkantoran, filing system, administrasi keuangan, administrasi perpajakan, administrasi perbankan bahkan memahami pengetahuan pasar modal dan lulusan program ini merupakan sumber informasi dalam pengambilan keputusan bagi Pimpinan, yang dilengkapi dengan kemampuan berkomunikasi bahasa inggris dan penguasaan komputer dengan baik. #lp3ibandaaceh

Computer driver function 30

As its definition, the computer driver has the function of translating any instruction that the user performs through the intermediary of the operating system   Then all the instructions that users provide it will be translated into a language that is understood by the hardware so that all insturksi users give can dilakasanakan well.   With such an important function, then when you download a driver for your computer, do not be arbitrary, it must be compatible with the hardware and operating system used.   How many drivers should be installed   A computer is made up of a lot of hardware. But we do not need to install the drivers all one by one.   Because most of it can be handled by the built-in drivers on the operating system.   But in general after re-install, there are at least 7 hardware drivers must be installed, the hardware is: VGA, Lan, Wifi, Chipset, Audio, Touchpad [on laptop], Bluetooth [if any].   The function of the driver is certainly so...

Understanding papers 29

Understanding papers - Papers are scientific papers that deal with the particular subject matter covered in a particular scope. Papers can also be interpreted as academic works that are usually published or published in journals that are scientific but according to the understanding of some experts such as according to Tanjung and Ardial interpret paper is a paper that contains thoughts about a particular topic problem that is written systematically and accompanied by logical analysis and objective whereas according to Surakhmad papers are all kinds of lecture tasks that must be completed in writing both as a result of the discussion of books and as a result of essay on a subject matter.   From the above understanding can be concluded that the paper is a paper that discusses certain problems with a logical and objective analysis and written systematically. before going to the discussion of the types of papers, maybe for those of you who need a cover for the paper you make please s...

Understanding Business Proposal 28

1. Understanding Business Proposal     The proposal comes from the English language "to propose" which means to apply, in language the proposal can be interpreted as "form of submission or application". the offer could be an idea, idea, thought or a work plan directed to others to get support, whether it is the nature of permission, approval, "funds" and others. Proposal can also be interpreted as a writing / exposure made by the author who aims to perform a description or explain a plan with a goal or activity to the reader or the target.   In other words.Proposal can be formulated as a plan in the form of writing poured in the form of work activities, which consists of collection, processing, analysis, and presentation of data, conducted systematically and objectively to solve a problem or to get approval.  

product,price,place 27

1. PRODUCT   That is the goods or services a buyer will receive when they spend some money. Goods / services that we sell is usually not just sell the product, but also the quality of service. This is what can be the main attraction for us that offer added value.   Example: we sell mobile phones, of course we also offer its services is not it ??   2. PRICE   Price or price plays an important role in sales or marketing mix. Price is how much value or amount of money the buyer pays for a product or service.       Example: Buying a mobile phone with a price of 5 million, would be different from buying a mobile phone with a price of 1 million. So adjust the right price for the goods / products we sell   3. PLACE   Place or this place concerns where we will sell it. Whether in traditional markets, modern markets, MALL, cafes, roadside and many more.  

marketing plan 26

Marketing planning is a planned implementation of marketing resources to achieve marketing objectives. Thus, marketing planning is a systematic process of designing and coordinating marketing decisions. This marketing plan provides the focus for information gathering, format for information dissemination, and structure for the development and coordination of strategic and tactical responses. The purpose of marketing planning is the identification and creation of competitive advantage. This marketing planning is a real form of company to provide strategic responses to the changing global competition pattern consisting of: 1. business size adjustment 2. changes in scope of products and / or markets or 3. the creation of new networking relationships with other organizations. Problems arising from lack of marketing planning: 1. lost opportunities to make a profit 2. insignificant figures in long-term plans 3. unrealistic goals 4. lack of market information that can b...

outlook 25

Microsoft Outlook or Microsoft Office Outlook is a personal information manager program from Microsoft, and part of the Microsoft Office suite. Although usually only used to send and read e-mail, this program also has a calendar function, work schedule, notes, and journals.

inventor google 24

Arry Page is one of Google's founders and currently President of Google Inc. Products Lawrence E. Page was born in 1973 in Lansing, Michigan of Carl Vincent Page's parents, is a professor of computer science at the University of Michigan and Gloria Page, who is a computer programming teacher at the University of Michigan. After graduating from East Lansing High School he studied and earned a Bachelor of Science degree in computer engineering from the University of Michigan and went on to study the Master's program at Stanford University. While studying at Stanford University, Page was introduced to Sergey Brin. The two did not start as friends, seemed to disagree on most topics of conversation, but eventually found a subject that has become very interesting to both of them. Topics Taking information from large data sets. The couple then wrote what is widely regarded as their contribution, a paper work called "The Anatomy of a Large-Scale Hypertextual ...

Understanding Art According to the Experts 23

Of many meanings of art, and the growing age makes many experts express opinions about the definition of art. Understanding art according to experts is as follows ... Aristotle: The notion of art according to aristotle is a form of disclosure and its appearance never deviates from reality and that art is imitating nature. Sudarmaji: According to Sudarmaji, understanding of art is all inner manifestation and aesthetic experience by using media field, line, color, texture, volume, and dark light. Alexander Baum Garton: The definition of art according to Alexander Baum Garton that the meaning of art is beauty and art is a positive goal to make the audience feel in happiness.

bussiness 22

A business is an organization that sells goods or services to consumers or other businesses, to earn a profit. Historically the business word of the English business, from the basic word busy which means "busy" in the context of individuals, communities, or society. In a capitalist economy, where most businesses are privately owned, businesses are formed to gain profit and increase the prosperity of their owners. Owners and operators of a business get rewards according to the time, effort, or capital they provide. But not all businesses pursue such profits, such as cooperative business that aims to improve the welfare of all members or government institutions aimed at improving the welfare of the people. This business model is in contrast to the socialistic system, where large businesses are mostly owned by governments, the general public, or unions.

Understanding Ethics 21

Understanding Ethics (Etymology), derived from the Greek language is "Ethos", which means the character of decency or custom (custom).  Ethics is usually closely related to the moral word which is a Latin term, "Mos" and in the plural "Mores", which means also the customs or way of life of a person by doing good deeds (decency), and avoiding things of action . The moral and the moral are more or less the same in understanding, but in everyday activities there are differences, namely morality or morality for the judgment of actions done, while ethics is for the assessment of the prevailing system of values.

marketing 20

Marketing (English: marketing) is an activity, a set of institutions, and the process of creating, communicating, delivering and exchanging valuable offers to customers, clients, partners and the general public.    Marketing begins with the fulfillment of human needs which then grow into human desire. For example, a man needs water to meet his thirst needs. If there is a glass of water then thirst needs will be met. But people not only want to meet their needs but also want to fulfill his wishes such as a water glass brand Aqua is clean and easy to carry. So this man choose Aqua bottle that suits the needs in the thirst and in accordance with the desire that is also easy to carry.   The process of fulfilling human needs and wants is the concept of marketing. Starting from the fulfillment of products (product), pricing (price), delivery of goods (place), and promote the goods (promotion). Someone who works in marketing is called a marketer. This marketer should have knowl...


Presentasi  both ...... and  each and every  my friend and a friend of mine  my own 


Surat lamaran pekerjaan adalah surat dari seseorang yang memerlukan pekerjaan kepada orang atau pejabat yang dapat memberikan pekerjaan atau jabatan. Melalui surat lamaran, pelamar meminta agar ia diberi pekerjaan. Surat lamaran pekerjaan dapat juga diartikan sebagai surat dari calon karyawan kepada calon majikan yang berisi permintaan agar karyawan diberi pekerjaan oleh calon majikan. Surat lamaran pekerjaan biasanya bersifat formal at au  resmi, misalnya surat untuk melamar pekerjaan menjadi karyawan ataupun jabatan tertentu sesuai dengan iklan yang ditawarkan. Dalam hal ini, pelamar dalam surat lamarannya perlu menyebutkan sumber lamaran tersebut pada alinea atau paragraf pembuka. Jika lamaran itu tidak berdasarkan pada suatu sumber, tentu tidak diperlukan penyebutan sumber pada alinea pembuka. Jenis-jenis Surat Lamaran Pekerjaan Menurut jenis pembuatannya surat lamaran pekerjaan terbagi menjadi dua, yaitu : a.         Surat lamaran peke...

SE 2

Pemasaran  (bahasa Inggris:  marketing ) adalah aktivitas, serangkaian institusi, dan proses menciptakan, mengomunikasikan, menyampaikan, dan mempertukarkan tawaran yang bernilai bagi pelanggan, klien, mitra, dan masyarakat umum. Pemasaran dimulai dengan pemenuhan kebutuhan manusia yang kemudian bertumbuh menjadi keinginan manusia. Contohnya, seorang manusia membutuhkan air dalam memenuhi kebutuhan dahaganya. Jika ada segelas air maka kebutuhan dahaganya akan terpenuhi. Namun manusia tidak hanya ingin memenuhi kebutuhannya namun juga ingin memenuhi keinginannya yaitu misalnya segelas air merek Aqua yang bersih dan mudah dibawa. Maka manusia ini memilih Aqua botol yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan dalam dahaga dan sesuai dengan keinginannya yang juga mudah dibawa. Proses dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan dan keinginan manusia inilah yang menjadi konsep pemasaran. Mulai dari pemenuhan produk (product), penetapan harga (price), pengiriman barang (place), dan...


Perbankan Elekronik  (bahasa Inggris:  E-banking ) E-banking yang juga dikenal dengan istilah internet banking ini adalah kegiatan yang melakukan transaksi, pembayaran, dan transaksi lainnya melalui internet dengan website milik bank yang dilengkapi sistem keamanan. Dari waktu ke waktu, makin banyak bank yang menyediakan layanan atau jasa internet banking yang diatur melalui Peraturan Bank Indonesia No. 9/15/PBI/2007 Tahun 2007 tentang Penerapan Manajemen Risiko Dalam Penggunaan Teknologi Informasi Oleh Bank Umum. Penyelenggaraan internet banking merupakan penerapan atau aplikasi teknologi informasi yang terus berkembang dan dimanfaatkan untuk menjawab keinginan nasabah perbankan yang menginginkan servis cepat, aman, nyaman murah dan tersedia setiap saat (24 jam/hari, 7 hari/minggu) dan dapat diakses dari mana saja baik itu dari HP, Komputer, laptop/ note book, PDA, dan sebagainya. Aplikasi teknologi informasi dalam internet banking akan meningkatkan efisiensi, efektifitas,...

Stock excage

Pengertian saham merupakan suatu modal dasar sebelum terjun ke dalam dunia investasi saham. Saham  adalah surat berharga yang menunjukkan bagian kepemilikan atas suatu perusahaan. Jika anda membeli saham berarti anda membeli sebagian kepemilikan atas perusahaan tersebut. Dan anda berhak atas keuntungan perusahaan dalam bentuk dividen, jika perusahaan mebukukan keuntungan. Anda juga bisa mengambil keuntungan dari naiknya harga saham tersebut dari waktu ke waktu. Saham Biasa  ( common stock ) Saham Biasa adalah suatu sertifikat atau piagam yang memiliki fungsi sebagai bukti pemilikan suatu perusahaan dengan berbagai aspek-aspek penting bagi perusahaan. Pemilik saham akan mendapatkan hak untuk menerima sebagaian pendapatan tetap / deviden dari perusahaan serta kewajiban menanggung resiko kerugian yang diderita perusahaan. Saham biasa Mewakili klaim kepemilikan pada penghasilan dan aktiva yang dimiliki perusahaan Orang yang memiliki saham suatu perusahaan mem...


Psikologi Industri  adalah cabang yang relatif baru psikologi yang diciptakan untuk perusahaan dan organisasi yang dibutuhkan struktur yang lebih.  Psikologi Industri  mampu menyediakan struktur ini dengan menilai perilaku karyawan demi kebaikan perusahaan. Hal ini sering disebut sebagai organisasi psikologi karena penekanannya pada analisis individu yang bekerja untuk berbagai organisasi. Pada dasarnya,  psikologi industri  mempelajari perilaku karyawan dalam lingkungan kerja. Walaupun psikologi industri tidak dimulai sampai tahun 1920-an, disiplin telah berkembang pesat dan merevolusi tempat kerja dalam abad terakhir. Karena tempat kerja adalah suatu sistem sosial, penerapan cabang ilmu psikologiini berguna dalam memahami kompleksitasnya. Selama bertahun-tahun, psikolog telah mempelajari bagaimana manusia makhluk telah berinteraksi dengan lingkungan mereka dan satu sama lain, tetapi  psikologi industri  mulai mengevaluasi interaks...


A.      Pengertian Rapat 1.        Menurut Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia, rapat adalah pertemuan (kumpulan) untuk membicarakan sesuatu, sid a ng, majelis. 2.        Rapat merupakan komunikasi kelompok secara resmi 3.        Rapat merupakan musyawarah kelompok untuk mufakat 4.        Rapat merupakan media komunikasi kelompok yang bersifat tatap muka Dari beberapa pengertian diatas dapat disimpulkan, bahwa rapat adalah suatu pertemuan antar anggota organisasi/perusahaan yang bertujuan untuk merundingkan/memecahkan masalah yang menyangkut organisasi/perusahaan. B.       Fungsi Rapat Fungsi penyelenggaraan suatu rapat, yaitu sebagai berikut: 1.        Untuk memecahkan masalah 2.        Untuk menyampaikan informasi 3.        Sebagai foru...


Blogger is a blog publishing service created by Pyra Labs and acquired by Google in 2003. Generally, blogs hosted by Google are under the subspect of Blogger allows its users to publish their blogs on other servers, via FTP until May 1st, 2010. After that date, all blogs must be stored on Google servers, even though users can use their own site address with Custom URLs.   On August 23, 1999, Blogger was launched by Pyra Labs. As one of the first blog publishing tools in the world, Blogger plays a role in popularizing the blog format in the world. In February 2003, Pyra Labs was acquired by Google, making a number of Blogger premium features previously commercialized by Pyra Labs into a completely free service. In October 2004, co-founder of Pyra Labs, Evan Williams, resigned from Google.

WI-FI 18

Wi-Fi (/ unsupported input] waɪfaɪ /, also written Wifi or WiFi) is a technology that u tilizes electronic devices to exchange data wirelessly (using radio waves) through a  computer network, including high-speed Internet connections.  The Wi-Fi Alliance defines Wi-Fi as  "any wireless local area network (WLAN) product based on the 802.11 Institute of  Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) standards." [1] However, since most WLANs today  are based on those standards , The term "Wi-Fi" is used in common English as a synonym of "WLAN". A device that can use Wi-Fi (such as a personal computer, video game console, smart phone, tablet, or digital audio player) can connect to a network source such as the Internet via a wireless  network access point. Such access points (or hotspots) have a range of about 20 meters (65 feet) in the  room and more widely outdoors. Hotspot coverage may include an area of ​​room with walls blocking radio  waves o...